Time To Say “Hi” Again

Valerie Gonzalez Street
2 min readJul 2, 2021


We’ve relaunched so it’s time to reintroduce ourselves.

Our Vote Texas is a 501(c)(3) organization established in 2017. Formerly Texas Progressive Action Network.

We focus on voter + civic education and voter rights advocacy.

In 2019, when we first launched resources for volunteers doing voter outreach work in our state, we were immediately reminded of a few things.

We were reminded just how not alone we are in the assessment that it is hard to navigate voter information out there if what you are looking to do is register voters and talk to your fellow Texans about their rights at the polls. It gets even harder if you are just a person trying to find out information so you can go vote!

Now here we are a few years later — over 13,000 voter rights resources sourced to 17 counties and growing so we know we can’t let up. And we don’t intend to.

Our goals are straightforward. They also haven’t changed:

We will support good public policy and legislation that benefits Texans.

We will promote voter rights education and civic participation.

In the past the state’s voter education campaign has been just plain inadequate for the size of Texas. We have long known this. And the resources get even more varied as you go county to county. Some counties have a well oiled machine for supporting their volunteers. Some simply do not have the resources and they are doing the best with what they’ve got.

When given the tools to share, it is our hope that Texas volunteer deputy registrars (the folks who can register you to vote) are able to provide folks with the information and resources to overcome some of those barriers. Not only that but to recognize and call those barriers out for being the unacceptable burden that they are. We know we deserve better.

Ideally, ours would be a state that makes every critical effort to engage citizens on the voting process. To take what is “made public” and truly publicize and clarify it for everyone. But we are not there yet.
So until that day, this is going to be about what you and I can do together.

Your path to the vote is my path to the vote. Where our path is blocked, we are called to help clear it. All.

By working together, we can be proponents of a Texas that is more representative of the people who call her home.

Learn more about us at ourvotetexas.org. See you out there —



Valerie Gonzalez Street

Voting rights dork. Art lover when I can. President of Our Vote Texas. Frequently wishing I was out in the desert. https://ourvotetexas.org/